nPloy Logo

Reduce your time to hire. Access high-potential candidates.

Explore an easy AI recruitment solution that saves time.

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Why 1,500+ global companies choose nPloy

Faster, Smarter, Better Hiring

5x more relevant candidates

8 hrs a week saved
on prescreening

1 in 7 candidates
is hired

We’ve built a solution that works for everyone- from small businesses to large corporations. Whether you're looking for a quick hire, a full-scale talent acquisition or an employer branding strategy, nPloy adapts to your needs with ease.

Our recruitment platform is designed to simplify hiring, save time, and deliver qualified talents, ensuring you have the right fit, every time.

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In terms of work experience and occupation

Explore recruitment solutions for every organization

Small businesses
Growing companies
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How to get started:

Create a company account


Match candidates

or proactively search through our candidate database to find the best fit for your role

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