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Make hiring easy

Expand your reach and get job posts in front of the right candidates

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How it works

nPloy offers two strategic approaches to simplify recruitment:

Proactive recruitment

Utilise talent pool credits and our advanced search filters to identify and engage with candidates directly.

Advanced filtering: Access over 5000 filters to pinpoint candidates that align with your specific job requirements

Proactive recruitment: Send invites to potential candidates using our talent pool credits

Job posting

Create compelling job listings that our AI-driven candidate matching presents to suitable professionals.

AI-Candidate matching a.k.a. AI-job matching: Prompt AI to find the best match for your position

Targeted exposure: Our AI ensures your listings reach the most relevant professionals

Single click feedback for disapproved candidates

No more long and clichéd emails.
Swift and specific feedback.
And yes, you can add your own.

Candidate status

Never lose track of the progress with every candidate. We have integrated candidate pipeline.

Automated custom message for all approved candidates

Save time and set a message to greet all approved candidates.

You would ask...

Why are applicants' profiles anonymized in nPloy?

Anonymized applicant profiles are for fair, bias-free hiring!

At nPloy, applicant profiles are anonymized to foster an unbiased hiring process.

Anonymizing candidate information helps ensure that hiring decisions are based purely on skills, experience, and qualifications, which improves diversity and fairness in recruitment. By eliminating personal details like names and photos, companies can reduce unconscious bias and focus on the value each applicant brings to the role.

Once there is a mutual interest between a candidate and an employer, all personal information (contact information and photo) become visible. This bias-free recruitment approach not only enhances the quality of hires but also aligns with best practices for ethical hiring in 2025.

The difference nPloy makes

More relevant applicants
compared to the average job boards available because of our AI.
Better retention
of candidates that usually don’t apply because of your ATS’s external link.
Guaranteed visibility
of every job ad posted on nPloy.
*That 0.01% is there because 100% is too cocky.

Trusted by leading companies

Affordable recruitment technology for your business


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