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Just another trendy topic… Or is it?

Numbers speak a thousand words, so what do they have to say about it?
1 in 6 (17%) Europeans felt discriminated against in the last 12 months*
23% of them say it happened at work
13% when looking for a job
1 in 6 (17%) Europeans felt discriminated against in the last 12 months*
23% of them say it happened at work
13% when looking for a job

Age discrimination is the second most popular discrimination in the workplace in EU. 47% of EU citizen believe age would put a candidate in a disadvantage, followed by disability (41%)*

Women in the EU earn 12,7% less than men on average.**

*Eurobarometer survey, Discrimination in the EU, 2019
**Eurostat 2021 data (gross hourly earnings)

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is kept anonymous during the first stage of the hiring process. Instead, recruitment specialists see a full CV with their experience, education and skills. Learn about the benefits of anonymous recruitment in our blog.

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Our mission is to bring candidates and employers closer together and help them reach a better common understanding of both issues and solutions. Thus, we’ll get to have a more inclusive workplace, a fair and transparent labour market.

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